Book Collector, catalog your home library on your Windows PC - .Straight to the point

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Editors' Review.Book collector free


You can order your books by author, title, publisher, year or cover art. The clever thing however is that you don't need to scan in any of the cover art - it downloads everything you need from a database simply by using the ISBN number.

You can include personal details like purchase date, store, location, whether you've read-it as well as catalogue chapter lists, characters and book creator credits. In addition, the program links book entries to e-book or audio-book files. In addition to downloading cover art, it downloads a quick synopsis of each book which is great for writing reviews or sharing titles with a friend.

The only thing lacking maybe is something to save your favourite quotes or pages in and possible a link to the publisher's site for the author's latest releases. Book Collector helps you keep your book collection perfectly organized. It enables you not only to catalog your books but also to keep track of those you have lent, avoid buying duplicate books and a lot more, all of these through an eye-catching interface.

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Introducing MakuluBooks 1. With MakuluBooks you can convert your entire Library into a traceable, manageable book collection within minutes. Organize all your books with 19 different fields. Simple interface makes it easy to browse, sort, and print out all kinds of information on each book. Other features include custom reports, labels, searching, librarian fields, custom fields, file.

All rights reserved. This is the place to come for a first look at the hottest new software. Shareware companies need your support. So you decide to get your books all organized, like a little library. You search around for some suitable software but most seems like it's designed for the City library, not your humble book collection. Then you try "book collection software" and get immediately swamped by so many software programs you have the opposite problem; too MUCH choice!

It seems there are dozens of people producing software for collecting books and let's face it, you don't have time do download and test out all of them. We can't offer you any quick answer to that dilemma but we can say this:. Check out the homepage with its long list of features. Whatever features are important to you we can state, positively, that All My Books either has them or no book collection program does.

More software updates. Most of my library is packed away for a bigger house so this app is perfect to keep track of everything I have and don't have as I keep going with my collection. June 01, This is a great app for keeping track of my book collection. May 24, Originally I imported my, considerably smaller list, from another book collector app and found that CLZ far surpassed the other app. The many available fields make it easy to track whatever is important to you.

Support is absolutely awesome. May 23, Great app. Easy to use. Great organizer for all of your books. Excellent customer service. May 22, May 18, So easy to use! So great to finally be able to catalog our library.. Great way to keep track of my books. May 15, Convenient, easy to use, effective, displays entries in an easy-to-find manner, looks good, well supported.

May 11, This App is amazing!!! Finally an easy way to list my scores of books! May 10,



Or... use them both, as perfect companions!.Book collector free

    Jun 07,  · All My Books - Very good program "I am a new user of All My Books, I have only been using it for a few months but the things I like about it are. 1. The ease with which I was able to take my MS Access database and export the data to Excel in order to import into All My Books. 2. The ease in adding new books through the online services. 3. Spend less. Smile g: book collector · free. Apr 12,  · Developer's Description. Book Collector is a software product for organizing your personal collection of books or magazines. You can use it to create a file with detailed information about your 5/5(20).
